Pediatric Dentistry

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Pediatric Dentistry2024-07-11T07:41:04+00:00

What does pediatric dentistry entail and why is it important?

Children’s dentistry is a branch of dentistry that deals with the preservation of the health of baby teeth, which is very important for the later good health of permanent teeth. Children’s dentists specialize in the treatment and prevention of gum and tooth diseases in children of various ages, including newborns.

Baby teeth are very important for the health and proper development of the child. What it means? Diseased milk teeth can threaten the development of permanent teeth, and also without healthy teeth, there is no proper development of the jaw, speech, chewing…

In the “Philia Dental” dental practice, we provide the following services in the field of children’s dentistry:

  • Preventive examinations in children
  • Extraction and repairs of baby teeth
  • Education on proper oral hygiene
  • Filling fissures

The most common dental diseases in children

  1. Tooth decay
  2. Periodontitis (inflammation of the gums)
  3. Pulpitis (inflammation of the tooth pulp)
  4. Abscess (tooth infection)
  5. Extraction (tooth removal)
  6. Hypoplasia (underdeveloped tooth)
  1. Caries is a form of dental disease caused by the formation of acidic bacteria in the mouth. Bacteria feed on sugar and create acids that damage tooth cartilage. As a result, the teeth become damaged and cavities begin to form. If left untreated, tooth decay can lead to mouth pain, tooth loss, and other problems.
  2. Periodontitis in children is a condition of inflammation of the gums and soft tissues of the mouth that can lead to the destruction of the teeth and bone around them. It can be the result of a bacterial infection, but it can also be the result of inadequate tooth cleaning. Symptoms of periodontitis in children include mouth pain, red gums, tooth loss, swollen gums, or bleeding gums. The dentist may prescribe antibiotics to treat the infection, and a tooth cleaning is recommended to prevent the infection from recurring. If left untreated, periodontitis can lead to tooth loss and even bone loss around the tooth.
  3. Pulpitis is an inflammation of the dental pulp in children, which can cause serious dental problems. This usually happens when the tooth is exposed to bacteria that enter the tooth and attack the pulp, or when the tooth is damaged or exposed to sudden changes in temperature. Symptoms of pulpitis include tooth pain, redness and swelling. In some cases, redness and swelling of the oral cavity may also occur. If left untreated, the inflammation can spread to the bone around the tooth. In order to prevent bone and tooth damage, it is necessary to treat it as soon as possible. In the earliest stages, children’s teeth can be treated with non-invasive methods such as antibiotic therapy and desensitization. In advanced cases, a pulpotomy or pulpectomy, where the pulp of the tooth is removed, may be required.
  4. An abscess is a tooth infection that usually occurs when bacteria enter the tooth or gums. This causes inflammation and the appearance of a plug or the appearance of a pus-filled area. An abscess can appear in the gums, in the tooth, or between the tooth and the gum. Abscess symptoms usually include pain, redness and swelling in the area of ​​the tooth, and it is treated by removing the plug and antibiotics prescribed by your dentist.
  5. Tooth extraction (extraction) is an intervention by which a tooth is removed from its socket in the jawbone.
  6. Hypoplasia is a condition in which the tooth is not fully developed. This means a different color of the teeth, as well as reduced thickness and strength of the teeth. Also, the formation of uneven surfaces and cracks can occur. Hypoplasia can occur on any type of tooth, but is most common on the front teeth. In some cases, teeth with hypoplasia may be more prone to decay and permanent damage due to their weaker strength and shape. It can be cured by replacing the tooth.


Let’s answer your most common questions.

When should you take your child to the dentist for the first time?2023-12-04T23:13:57+00:00

It is recommended that the child be taken to the dentist when the first teeth appear, between 12 and 18 months. At that point, the dentist will perform an examination and provide the necessary information about the importance of maintaining good dental health. The dentist will also provide advice on proper dental care.

How to keep children’s teeth healthy?2023-12-04T23:13:17+00:00
  1. Brushing your teeth on time: It is most important that children brush their teeth twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, with an appropriately sized brush and using children’s toothpaste.
  2. Regular visits to the dentist: It is recommended that children be seen by their dentist at least twice a year in order to avoid possible complications.
  3. Nutrition: It is important that children get enough vitamins and minerals.
What is the fissure filling procedure?2023-12-04T23:12:09+00:00

Fissure filling is a completely painless intervention in which the biting surface of the tooth is coated with a special material. First, there is a complete cleaning of the tooth that is being filled, and then the tooth is treated with acid. Under the action of the acid, the smooth surface of the tooth turns into a rough one, and this enables the bonding of the filler that is applied to the tooth. Filling fissures reduces the risk of caries. The entire procedure lasts about fifteen minutes and after the treatment is over, it is possible to consume food and drink immediately.

When should you take your child to the dentist for the first time?2023-12-04T23:13:57+00:00

It is recommended that the child be taken to the dentist when the first teeth appear, between 12 and 18 months. At that point, the dentist will perform an examination and provide the necessary information about the importance of maintaining good dental health. The dentist will also provide advice on proper dental care.

How to keep children’s teeth healthy?2023-12-04T23:13:17+00:00
  1. Brushing your teeth on time: It is most important that children brush their teeth twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, with an appropriately sized brush and using children’s toothpaste.
  2. Regular visits to the dentist: It is recommended that children be seen by their dentist at least twice a year in order to avoid possible complications.
  3. Nutrition: It is important that children get enough vitamins and minerals.
What is the fissure filling procedure?2023-12-04T23:12:09+00:00

Fissure filling is a completely painless intervention in which the biting surface of the tooth is coated with a special material. First, there is a complete cleaning of the tooth that is being filled, and then the tooth is treated with acid. Under the action of the acid, the smooth surface of the tooth turns into a rough one, and this enables the bonding of the filler that is applied to the tooth. Filling fissures reduces the risk of caries. The entire procedure lasts about fifteen minutes and after the treatment is over, it is possible to consume food and drink immediately.

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